‘Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally Review’ @ Odyssey Theatre Ensemble
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally playing at the Odyssey Theatre is yet another challenging contemporary play with its extreme abstraction of narrative. And the abstraction of the story, rather than physically acted out, is not a gimmick nor is it a necessary evil to bring to life a small-budget play that can only do so
Read more.Carmen Disruption @ City Garage
In a very challenging play, Carmen Disruption is a meditation on the dispossession of contemporary human life. Most especially is the disconnection between humans in a society. It’s a very intriguing thought to ponder the fact a city society is comprised of a multitude of strangers to one another. How close and yet how far
Read more.Rhinoceros @ The Pacific Resident
Rhinoceros explores in the purest sense the struggle between the individual and the herd. This is particularly so with the concept of morality in one man, but extenuating to the politics of mankind. There is a delicate balance between acting principally yet doing so communally. At what point is it considered selfish and misbehaving, rather
Read more.Citizen
Citizen: An American Lyric in itself is a tome of witchcraft. By this I mean there is no call for compassion of a supposedly oppressed group. It takes, as the nature of society, a war against all, but in this particular incantation, a war against the white man against the black man and how the
Read more.It’s Time
What happens when a natural actor ages? What is his grasp of mortality? To answer such a question and help uncover a fruitful redolent moss underneath a stone that has been left unturned by humanity would be a triumph. It may, however, not be in the repertory of an actor to be so dedicated to
Read more.Rabbit Hole
Rabbit Hole is a meditation on grief. On how even if material abundance is present, even if there is the complete sense of contentment and freedom from the havoc that is wrought by an outside world, it is always hanging on a gently balance. Just as violently abruptly, this balance can become broken. How then,
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