Movie Review

For the city folk, the day-to-day ounces of effort which convert into pounds of sustenance are hardly felt unlike at the basest level of civilization. Rams pleasantly and eloquently remind the audience of what it takes to keep the business of civilization running, even if it is not the main premise of the film. We
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Florence Foster Jenkins
“Music is serious” quips a music critic for the New York Post to rebuke the charade that is forged to maintain the appearance of legitimacy of a wealthy woman fulfilling her dreams of performing at Carnegie Hall. And what can immediately be insinuated from this context is the lack of genuine merit in her performing,
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Babel is a hideously preposterous attempt at drama. When realism is entirely abdicated to create artificial passionate stirs of emotion, disbelief is suspended thus distancing the subject from trying to gain a new perspective on reality by peering through the looking-glass of alternative subjects. And what I speak to here is how utterly fantastic any
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Lo and Behold
Lo and Behold is Werner Herzog’s rendition of what we should be fearful of with the march of technological progress, nay advancement. I must rectify myself in presuming all technology is progress toward a better human condition. It is not self-evidently the case, as the argument can be made, as Herzog tries here, that technology
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Defending Your Life
Contemplating the afterlife is a past-time that humans have endeavored with since perhaps the first moments of sympathy for the loss of a human life. The question, eternally, of where does one go when one’s life ends has been the work, almost foundationally, of religion since human records began. Defending Your Life is not trying
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Defending Your Life
Contemplating the afterlife is a past-time that humans have endeavored with since perhaps the first moments of sympathy for the loss of a human life. The question, eternally, of where does one go when one’s life ends has been the work, almost foundationally, of religion since human records began. Defending Your Life is not trying
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