Movie Review

The Untouchables
Quite simply, this is cartoonish, even comedic, Hollywood action-fest at its finest. Power is the only virtue to be held, and whoever wields the gun that sends his opponent to the morgue over the hospital is the hero. There is no drama to this film, only bullets flying around a 1930’s set decoration.   Mr.
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How does one escape poverty? What opportunities are presented to those impoverished to improve their material well-being? What is poverty in general? Gomorrah answers all three questions.   The solutions to the questions are not idyllic. They all involve gang-violence, Italian style. Or, Mafioso. The film does not center itself on anyone character in this
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Bottle Shock
Despite having a great (albeit mostly notable) cast, the premise of the plot is incredibly difficult to orchestrate, and we are left with hallow characters that distract from the short sequences of Napa panoramics. “The Judgment in Paris” as it is called, shook the wine world. In a blind taste testing, Napa wines outdid French
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Super 8
The Goonies this isn’t. Though there is a semblance of that famed pre-adolescent (or “tween”) adventure film, Super 8 has a more transparent morale about overcoming adversity in life. this morale is masked in summer blockbuster antics. And indeed, this has the feel of appeasement to the summer movie-goer. While this is disappointing in some
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Charlie Bartlett
The significance of popularity during adolescence is something that is a permanent topic in film. This is primarily because with the arrival of sexual maturation, and hence forth sexual selective pressures, the natural disposition toward hierarchy is felt for the first time amongst individuals. And in an environment laden and saturated with first-timers, there ostensibly
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Captain America: First Avenger
What a horrible idea. I heard from a blog I frequent much less after the egregious 2012 presidential elections that this was a patriotic film. Pardon me? Explosions are American now?   I decided to dip my toes in the mainstream movie stream just to keep tabs on what teenage boys think is good entertainment.
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