Akira Kurosawa’s ‘Dreams’ Movie Review
In a stunning meditation on the idea of Natural Piety to human desires, Akira Kurosawa’s Dreams reveals to us the idea of cinema, as that which is sufficiently informed by a higher-moving power than mere playhouses. The mythical reality sternly imposed upon the Japanese soul through this anthropological masterpiece catapults us towards a higher view of what is the good in man, knowing he has the power to will Nature towards his own goals?
What ought a good man do to avoid everlasting shame, immortal grief for the waste of life he has been living? How and when does such a persona develop a love of the cherry blossom over the love of scores? Why is the mystery so obscure when the convenience of nurturing becomes so easy with technological improvements?
The disconnection from a Natural attention of mind, is also a negligence of the forefathers of ease, that of men and women who we deem to be higher than ourselves because of our universal relation towards the playfulness of our spirits within Nature. And this is evident in the film with the mucky rain and iridescent verdure so overwhelmingly yet appropriately dramatized in the film. These are men we know to be wise because of their same arrival point in their lives on choosing good things. And Blossom experiences over money goals is a grounding to the world in a way which inspires to admire another season of life.
This is the choice of life and death. Of Angel and Demon.
Life giver and life destroyer.
The fate of a nation can be determined by either.
To pursue profit as end-in-itself within the world reveals the idea of honor and disgrace, in a way which the humanity within us all can understand. And that is in the ability to cherish the gift of Nature, and further, the gift of human free will power, to move the human experience of this theatre towards higher goals, loftier ends, more transcendent ideas such as Wonderland-esque dreaming; all to inspire a further continuation of the durable value of healthy dreaming as an affirmation of good life or health.
To cherish the love of eternal movement, which is in ideas which only minds can relate to, is to be certain there will be life forever. Choose wisely, indeed.