Posts Tagged ‘Glenn Close’

The Big Chill

Posted on June 25th, 2014 by Joseph A. Hazani

Perhaps the most confrontational to the questing – or lack thereof – of the Last Man arrives at the swelling tide of the consequences of finding vapidity in material pursuits. And that arrival is in the form of The Big Chill. Almost immediately, the viewer must appreciate the high-selectivity of the social class presented. They […]

Albert Nobbs

Posted on June 21st, 2014 by Joseph A. Hazani

  In what at first glance appears to be a film made to be Oscar-bait for everyone involved, Albert Nobbs transcends the boring historical fiction claptrap whose sole intention is to generate academy award nominations. It actually comes across as interesting, with barely a blip of mistaken pacing.   Mr. Nobbs, as the film viewer […]