Posts Tagged ‘Mia Wasikowska’

The Double

Posted on October 2nd, 2014 by Joseph A. Hazani

  It has become a law of nature to follow Jesse Eisenberg’s projects. And The Double simply confirms it. While the setting veers too much into Brazil dystopic hysteria, simply with a dash of Fight Club thrown into the bowl before all the ingredients are mixed, there still is an intricate blend at work here. […]

Albert Nobbs

Posted on June 21st, 2014 by Joseph A. Hazani

  In what at first glance appears to be a film made to be Oscar-bait for everyone involved, Albert Nobbs transcends the boring historical fiction claptrap whose sole intention is to generate academy award nominations. It actually comes across as interesting, with barely a blip of mistaken pacing.   Mr. Nobbs, as the film viewer […]