A Drift in Tokyo

by Joseph A. Hazani October 19, 2013

Adrift in Tokyo excels where Lost In Translation tried. While the latter emphasizes the alien planet of Tokyo, actively looking on the inside like a 2nd grader to an ant farm, Adrift in Tokyo dazzles us by removing the feeling of alienation with respect to the city, plunging ourselves into its rhythm. It is quite the sophisticated balance of cinematic space, and something I find completely....

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by Joseph A. Hazani October 14, 2013

  Gravity is a film from a filmmaker that is in love with a technique. Alfonso Cuaron etched his name in filmmaking glory with Children of Men. His single-shot inventiveness was able to capture suspense in such a genius way that it seems as though he became mesmerized with his visionary abilities. Unfortunately, the intent of film is not sufficiently to revere cinematographic....

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Safety Not Guaranteed

by Joseph A. Hazani October 10, 2013

Hindsight is 20/20. Perhaps this is why so many set their eyes upon the past, as a way to move forward. Because of its clarity, it provides some sort of certainty in living life. This is especially keen when the past feels much better than the present life. This is the mutually shared feeling between the three lead characters in Safety Not Guaranteed. From the onset, the female protagonist....

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My Written Works

On the Struggling Artist: An Essay

A philosophical....

On the Christian Business Ethic: An Essay

Analysis of the role that Christian morality has played in the development of commerce and....

On the Necessity of Color in the Fine Arts: An essay

A philosophical exploration of color and its use in Renaissance, abstract and modern fine....

Towards an Understanding of Jesus Christ: An Essay

Nietzsche had incredible disdain for Christianity being "Judaized Rome", of the slave morality of Judaism creeping up and....