Mona Lisa Smile

by Joseph A. Hazani February 16, 2013

Julia Roberts plays Katherine, a naïve graduate student who thinks she can change the world by teaching affluent young girls about canonical Western art, such as (shockingly) Mona Lisa. The logline is that her “progressive” ideals clash with the obstinate Wellesley College ways, which has inherited a certain rigid decorum to pass on to their girls. Katherine frankly does not believe women....

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As Good as it Gets

by Joseph A. Hazani February 13, 2013

  Disclaimer: this movie is as Hollywood manufactured as they come. What do I mean? I do not, fortunately, suggest that it is over-indulgent in melodrama, begging to be nominated for best motion picture. But it is incredibly formulaic.   Even after viewing it for the first time, I am quite surprised the screenplay and film was nominated for academy awards. It is quite a....

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The extra man

by Joseph A. Hazani January 29, 2013

This is a film with incredibly Sharon wit, yet an unpronounceable, prematurely delivered script. The plot is difficult to appreciate, as it is inconsistently whimsy, plodding into the enigmatic of its characters without developing themselves any further than bystanders for comedy.   And it is exceptional comedy from Kevin Kline, n a resoundingly hilarious character, who steals the....

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My Written Works

On the Struggling Artist: An Essay

A philosophical....

On the Christian Business Ethic: An Essay

Analysis of the role that Christian morality has played in the development of commerce and....

On the Necessity of Color in the Fine Arts: An essay

A philosophical exploration of color and its use in Renaissance, abstract and modern fine....

Towards an Understanding of Jesus Christ: An Essay

Nietzsche had incredible disdain for Christianity being "Judaized Rome", of the slave morality of Judaism creeping up and....